Wednesday 11 November 2009

Development: The First Chapter

It has begun

For the last 2 weeks I have been experimenting with many different layouts with the help of Html and Css script languages. I have also been creating several 'header' graphics to suit the top central alignment of each webpage.

Colour Schemes?

My initial ideas of colour schemes will reflect on personality and favourites. My favourite colours are blue, white and red which can be clearly suitable of combining for gradient effects. I find myself to be peaceful at times, so maybe a blue sky with clouds as a background image in the content area of the webpage would be useful to display this. Using black with my favourite colours could cause conflict but if it is used for borders and the outer body backgrounds, it actually helps focus the main three colours inside of the webpage. Along with the reason of using black, it's because of the subject of colour blindness. I have colour blindness problems not actually being blind to colour (black and white) I actually see the world in opposites (red is orange, brown is green vice versa). I have learned to control this problem by thinking opposite to the colour. I should really consider helping colourblind people by finding Html/Css/Javascript code to make the webpage change colour to their needs, so by the click of a button the colour will change to aid the user.

I have initially decided with webpage names also:

Welcome - Initial idea of this webpage is to welcome the visitor to the site. When I create a logo, I will hyperlink it so it will guide them to the 'Home' webpage. I may include some Javascript to add a 'Loading Screen' as the user clicks the image logo.

Home - The Home page will obviously be the main center piece within my website, helping the user chose whatever webpage they would like to visit using hyperlinks along the header of the page and they can enjoy information from a news feed that I'm planning to apply into this webpage. This page will also have images of myself and many other things that I enjoy.

About - This webpage will be about myself, with information on my past. I may plan on creating a overflow scroll within the content of the webpage so the user won't have to constantly use the main scroller to glide up and down the page, instead they can scroll closer to the text for a better read. I will also add image galleries to the webpage and maybe a video of myself playing the bass guitar!

Fun! - This webpage is based on javascript that I will be using to create a little story for the user as they enter this webpage. They will be alerted to name themselves, their location, favourite animal etc. When they finish this task the webpage will reveal, showing a story about them using Javascript variables and if else statements. This page will also contain an image gallery and maybe even a Flash game which I will have to create in the next coming months.

Contact - The Contact webpage will display a form (using form tags) giving the user questions to optionally answer personal details such as their name, location and age. Once they click submit, the information will be sent to the Sam-i-am website. If possible instead of having to submit to this website, I will make the form code submit the information to my own email address using "mailto:" html.

Music - The Music webpage will basically display image galleries of my favourite musicians, bands and albums. Later on in the development I may provide video of myself playing bass guitar to some songs produced by those talented artists.

Sneak Peek


Html For Logo/Header

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