I have made further updates regarding to website design ideas of layouts including more detail on what colour schemes and images to use throughout my website. I have also incorporated ideas about using certain logo ideas and identifying positions on each webpage. Javascript has been mentioned within these updated drawings to identify fading image gallerys along with the Html and Css combined making hoverboxes to present images with.
All of my ideas are now coming together, combining to create a decent website which will be user friendly for all ages. This will be ideal when I present it to friends and family in later weeks

User Friendly
I'm targetting a User Friendly website, this is because it can achieve so many levels of appreciation and it creates an enjoyable feel so that it can be revisited. It also helps me experiment with different Html, Javascript and Css languages to find possible ways of presenting the website in different ways to create this user friendly feeling.
I have ideas of establishing webpages designed so colourblinded users wouldn't have to struggle in seeing different colours and objects. Finding some code to do this job shouldn't be too difficult so if the user is colourblind and wants to access the site, they can click a button to alter the colour settings to their liking.
I have thought about ideas using overflow scroll boxes within the website so not only text will fit on the webpage, it will make it easier for the user to scroll and look at other objects at the same time without having to use the main scroller on the webpage. Navigation using hyperlinking will be very clear on each of my webpages so anyone can navigate easily from page to page without having to look around. I will also add a "Jump To Top Of Page" button to help the user reach the top of the page without the efforts of scrolling all the time. Ideas keep churning out, will keep you posted throughout the development stages.